Our Commitment to Air Heat Pumps
We at Skandinaviska Kyl- & Värmeteknik are proud of our partnership with leading brands such as Mitsubishi, Toshiba and Panasonic. As licensed installers, we always guarantee at least a 5-year warranty on our air source heat pumps. Our expertise ranges from sales to installation and service, and we strive to deliver high-quality solutions for both individuals and businesses. Contact us on 020 89 91 94 or info@skvt.se to start your journey towards efficient and reliable heating and cooling.
Scandinavian cooling & heating technology
Your local shop for air source heat pumps, as a partner of the market's leading brands, our own installers always visit you.
Östergötland - Södermanland - Stockholm - Norrbotten
phone number
020 89 91 94